Module 1 Relay không điện áp COFEM MDL1R

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Module 1 Relay không điện áp COFEM MDL1R

  • MS 000011790
Giá : Liên hệ

Module 1 Relay không điện áp COFEM MDL1R

Module 1 Relay không điện áp COFEM MDL1R

- This module consists of a relay that controls the output of a dry contact normally open (NO) normally closed (NC), unsupervised.

- That provision allows you to control as typical application door electromagnets in conventional fire detection systems, either through the control panel supply or sources of external power supply (FAE).

- The equipment is very simple and easy to install.

- The board of the relay module is mounted on a plastic base, which carries some tapes that allow secure comfortably in the place that best suits, taking advantage of the available space in stations, power supplies (FAE), etc, according to the normal distribution of the wiring of the installation.

- In addition, the relay module contains a safety fuse on the side of the dry contact.

- Bảo hành: 12 tháng.

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